Berryman® Tite-Grip® Belt Dressing
Eliminates slippage to stop belt squeal. Maximizes power transfer for better fan, power steering, alternator, and drive motor efficiency. Extends belt life by allowing reduced operating tension. Compatible with most flat, round and v-belts/trapezoidal rubber belts. Waterproof and weather-proof to work in all conditions.
Product Sizes
Product Questions & Solutions
Matt W.
My name is Matt. I work at O’Reilly Auto Parts. I was given a can of EZ Doz-It to try about a year ago. This product has by far exceeded my expectations. I have saved several hundred dollars in tools and parts using this product. Before using it, I was a firm believer in PB Blaster. Now, all of my cans of PB Blaster have found their way to my trash can. To you and all the guys at Berryman, keep up the good work!
Thomas B.
Your products are the most underrated products in the market. There is nothing that comes close. I tell all my friends and coworkers about them and the ones that have used can’t thank me enough. Every parts store I go into pushes Seafoam, it’s even at the registers or at some special display, it is expensive and does not even come close to your products .I wish Berryman would have a bigger push in these stores because your company deserves it. This stuff flat out works and you can’t beat the price. Thank you for making such a great product.
Jim R.
I was having problems with my ’01 Mitsubishi Eclipse V6 making a ticking noise in the valve train and bought the B-12 Chemtool Total Combustion Chamber Kit. The noise went away and purrs like a cat with 125K miles on it. I would like to get more kits because I am a roving mechanic and want to help others with their maintenance.
James W.
I have used Chemtool products for years, and while there are several Chemtool alternatives they are all poor substitutes from the real thing. I have also used the Fuel System Cleaner with the Fuel Additive with great success on my ’83 Suburban and ’95 Camry.
Terry K.
I used the System Cleaner in my parents 2000 Impala, with 140,000 on it, and there was a marked improvement almost right away!
VOC Compliance
General compliance disclosure: This guide is provided to assist our customers in determining product compliance with state VOC regulations. Please note that individual states may amend their regulations at any time and that additional states may also adopt regulations in the future. Although Berryman will make a good faith effort to keep this guide updated, please be aware that this information is provided as a courtesy and without guarantee. It is ultimately the user’s responsibility to confirm the appropriateness of a finished product for a given application.