Ive been using berrymans B12 for pistonsoaks and im doing a video series on Youtube on how much it has helped my car stop burning oil. i plan on finalizing my soaks with a stronger product, ive heard b60 is stronger, but the only question i have is, is it okay to use B60 for a piston soak? thank you for your time
1 Answers
No. Berryman B-12 Chemtool Fuel Injector (part #0116) is the most effective product we offer for piston soaks. It's true that B-60 High Mileage Fuel System Rejuvenator (part #7516) is stronger as an IN-TANK fuel additive, but the detergents present are not activated until the product is much hotter than ambient temperatures (think 400°F). We recommend that you keep using the B-12 for your soaks.
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