What is the difference between your regular brake cleaner (#1420) and non-chlorinated brake cleaner(#2420, #2421 and #2414SC)?
1 Answers
Our regular Brake Cleaner is made up of chlorinated solvents, perchloro-ethylene (aka. tetrachloroethylene) and methylene chloride. These are non-flammable solvents that are extremely fast-drying and provide the best cleaning for brake parts. The non-chlorinated versions are fast-drying, although not always as fast as the chlorinated, and the solvents are flammable. Some municipalities and state regulations have caused the ban of the use and sale of the chlorinated version (i.e. California). Look closely to make sure you are getting the one best suited for your needs.
[caption id="attachment_2539" align="alignleft" width="81"]
Regular Brake Parts Cleaner[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1339" align="alignleft" width="82"]
Non-Chlorinated Brake Cleaner[/caption]
FACTOID: Perchloroethylene is the same solvent used for years as dry cleaning fluid. Many chlorinated brake cleaners are made up entirely of this component, occasionally with other heavy solvents to add weight. Methylene Chloride is a primary component of paint stripper and is lighter. The combination of the two makes for a superior blend that provides more actual fluid content in the container for the weight versus perchloroethylene alone. Methylene Chloride also has more caloric energy for dissolving grease, oil and other contaminants that are found on brake parts.

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