How to use berryman b-12 chemtool throttle body cleaner does it have to be pour direct in carburetors or can i pour it into gas tank i am not mechanic. One it is pour into carburetors dies it have to be drain out. Also can it be pour thru where we add oil.
1 Answers
B-12 Chemtool Carbuertor, Choke & Throttle Body Cleaner (part #0117) is an aerosol spray cleaner that you whould spray directly on your carburetor, PCV valve, automatic choke, carburetor linkage, throttle body, and distributor shaft or other parts to remove deposits that cause rough idle, stalling, and loss of acceleration.
If you are looking for a product to pour into your gas tank to clean your fuel system, we would recommend B-12 Chemtool Fuel Injector Cleaner (part #0116). It is best to add this before you fill your tank, and for best results we recommend 1 can every three fill ups.
0116 can also be added to the crank case. For details, see this link
0116 can also be added to the crank case. For details, see this link
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