May be trading for a '97 Honda Valkyrie; 6 carbs and famous for low speed jets clogging up from infrequent use. Is B-12 the product for my application?
1 Answers
Thanks for your interest in Berryman. If the motorcycle is not exhibiting problems and isn't expected to sit for months at a time without being ridden, then we recommend regularly using Berryman B-12 Chemtool Fuel Injector Cleaner (part #0116) for periodic maintenance. However, if the bike is experiencing problems like hard starting, rough idle, or hesitation or it is going to sit for a few months without being ridden, then we recommend using either Berryman B-12 Total Fuel System Clean-up (part #2616) or Berryman B-60 High Mileage Fuel System Rejuvenator (part #7516) to deep clean the entire fuel system, including the carburetors, intake valves, and combustion chambers, as well as stabilize the fuel for up to 6 months.
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