What changed about the #0996 Chem-Dip? It looks and smells different when I opened it.
3 Answers
Due to changing state laws that started with California, Berryman was required to reformulate its solvent/acid based parts cleaner for California user several years ago. It was marketed as #0996C. With further advances in the effectiveness of water-based amine chemistry, the success of the required California changes, the recognition that other states would soon be following California's example, and the decision by one of our largest retailers to carry one part number system-wide, we decided to focus on the amine chemistry. The new formula is safer to use and the new formula is 100% active cleaner. The approach to cleaning is different with water-based technology, and a small amount of time may be sacrificed in some cases to get to the end result, but the end result should be the same.
Should be the same but it isn't. Nothing cleans carburetors like the old stuff and our air is not one bit cleaner from the change to the sissy stuff. Our lawmakers in CA are idiots and California's economy is proof of that. No wonder people and businesses are fed up and leaving for greener pastures! The other states that follow CA will drop into the same hole as we are in now and all based on false or unproven theories ( not science).
Should be the same but it isn't. Nothing cleans carburetors like the old stuff and our air is not one bit cleaner from the change to the sissy stuff. Our lawmakers in CA are idiots and California's economy is proof of that. No wonder people and businesses are fed up and leaving for greener pastures! The other states that follow CA will drop into the same hole as we are in now and all based on false or unproven theories ( not science).
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